Top Hats are suitable for both internal and external use.
They were originally largely used on roofing systems, but the emerging popularity of external cladding systems has seen them used on walls where they provide a straight and stable structure for fixing the cladding.
Medium weight top hat sections are manufactured from 0.75bmt galvanised steel.
They are suitable for both internal and external use. Originally largely used on roofing systems the emerging popularity of external cladding systems has seen them used on walls where they provide a straight and stable structure for fixing the cladding.
Top Hats are available in lengths of 3.6m, 6.0m and 7.2m, non-stock lengths are available on special order. Stand out heights are available for 15mm to 60mm.
Usually supplied with a 50mm face width some sizes are also available with a 75mm face, these may be required when using expressed joints or under certain climatic conditions.