CODE ar15001

Pair Radius Arch sweeps up to 1500mm maximum width

For arches wider than 1500mm please see AR15002.



This is a Radius Arch and is made to measure with your choice of profile. It comes as 2 arch sweeps.

The arch sweeps are semi circles, thus the name Radius Arch.

If corbels are required, they should be purchased separately.

This radius arch can be made to any diameter up to 1500mm. For larger arches please see AR15002.

Step by Step



Measure the width of the passage, hall or other location.

At this time, you can also measure or workout the width of the NIB as this influences your choice of corbel.

You can find more detailed instructions here.



Select Profile

The profile of the arch can be selected on Arch Profiles.

Note the profile and use it when ordering (above).



Select Corbels

Corbels provide the finishing touch.  A selection can be viewed below or the complete range of Corbels here and Caps here.